Melvin Fellowship Awarded

Melvin Fellowship Awarded

At our Annual Charter on 11th May, Lion Cliff Coxshaw and Lion Chris Thomas-Atkin were recognised for their outstanding contribution to Lionism with the Melvin Fellowship Award. The award of a Melvin Jones Fellowship represents dedication to humanitarian service to...
St Peter & St James Hospice

St Peter & St James Hospice

Presentation by St Peter & St James Hospice to their Volunteer of the Year June 2023, Lisa Watson – Volunteer Ward Support, attended by Lions Alan Ranger (second from left) and John Carter (fourth from...
Volunteer of the Year

Volunteer of the Year

Presentation by St Peter & St James Hospice to their Volunteer of the Year, Susan Parmenter, Volunteer Head Gardner, attended by Lions Suzanne Todd and John Carter (right of...
New President

New President

Handover of Chain of Office from outgoing President Ken Saunders to incoming President Alan...